A M I G O : American Mexican Integrated Gas Operations

Amigo LNG is a LNG Liquefaction Terminal under development in the west coast of Mexico, at Guaymas, Sonora, which will export 4.2 MTPA as first train and with a potential to add a second train of 3.6 MTPA of LNG to the Asian LNG markets. It is a land-based LNG Liquefaction facility, with compact environmental footprint and best-in-class technology. Feed gas is sourced from the Permian shale basin in the US and will be transported to Mexico thru existing pipeline networks. The Project Site of 150 acres, has adequate ocean frontage for marine facility with deepwater access for berthing all types of LNG ships up to 265,000m3 size. Amigo LNG provides a very attractive commercial solution and long-term security of supply to Asia and LatAm. The project is developed by LNG Alliance Pte Ltd Singapore; Epcilon LNG LLC USA.
Amigo LNG is committed to following and implementing all regulatory frameworks applicable to natural gas liquefaction facilities in Mexico. The design and implementation of gas liquefaction projects will abide by the legal regulatory framework implemented after the 2013 Mexican Energy Reform. Amigo LNG will perform and deliver a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) to the Energy Minister (SENER), as well as the mitigation measures and the corresponding social management plans. On a Federal level, natural gas projects shall obtain the approval of their Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Study by the Environmental and Natural Resources Ministry (SEMARNAT) through the National Agency of Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection of the Hydrocarbons Sector (ASEA).

Amigo LNG considers it a duty to consult with its surrounding communities across the entire life cycle of the LNG plant from concept, through to development and operation. According to Amigo’s principled approach, community empowerment is much more than the involvement, participation or engagement of communities. It believes that communication plays a vital role in ensuring community empowerment. Furthermore, participatory approaches in communication that encourage discussions and debates result in increased knowledge and awareness. The goal for Amigo, is to make sure that the development benefits all and ensures a win-win situation for all stakeholders. It means working alongside local communities, investing in local infrastructure and addressing and finding solutions to the specific, unique concerns of each community.
Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) matters are fully integrated as our core values within our business management and operations management responsibilities. As per the current legislation, guidance, industry standards, best practice and other national and regional requirements, we set corporate objectives and targets aligned to the delivery of our corporate strategic plan. A proactive approach will be undertaken to develop the project in full coordination with the local communities throughout the project concept, development and operation phases.

Amigo LNG project team has a collective experience covering every aspect of LNG export projects which has been derived from hands-on involvement in concept to commissioning stages of five LNG liquefaction projects across the world. Team members have on average three decades of experience in LNG liquefaction. The core commitment of the team is to use natural resources for the benefit of people and progress of the society. The team will continuously strive to harmoniously combine its extensive community outreach abilities with its unparalleled technical competence. By incorporating safe and secure activities with sound economic principles the team will build lasting value for its stakeholders while upholding its duties to the society.

Fast Track Development
Quarter 3
Quarter 2
Land Acquisition
Permitting Process
FEED Commences
EPC Starts for
Liquefaction Plant
Marine Facilities
Quarter 2